Some Call it Luck.
Some Call it Unfair… I call it the
“Unfair Advantage”
It’s when you know the “right people”. It’s the secret behind, “Why does she always get the lucky breaks?!” It’s the difference between working hard, hoping that someday you’ll be tapped on the shoulder…
… and tapping into a network of people who can do for you in 30 seconds (the time it takes to whip out a phone and send an intro) what would take you years to accomplish on your own.
But if you think you need a Yale education, a Private Jet and a PhD in the subtle art of “schmoozing” to get there, you couldn’t be more wrong…
… this is about asking a much better question.

Hey, I’m Chris Winfield AKA
The Super Connector™
And when a major epiphany hit me in the face like a slice of cold pizza (literally, listen to that story here), here’s what hit home:
Never again would I make my little girl feel like she didn’t matter.
And I knew I needed to change. I didn’t know what, just that I needed to change everything – including ditching the yuppy haircut. 🙂
I started with the one thing I could do, right now: stop wondering, “What can I get from this person”, and do this instead…
Connect with someone every day, treat them like the most important person in the world and find out:
“What do you need help with right now?”

And that simple act (and key question) changed everything.
It got me out of my own way. And that’s when serendipity got a chance…
It’s how I became the editor at large at Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. How I helped a company sell for $1.7 billion. How I get entrepreneurs on the Dr. Oz Show. Or a column in Entrepreneur. Or the hottest book agent in NYC.
Go the extra mile and you can shortcut your way to the good stuff: media, PR, referrals, mentors, book deals, collaborations…. Genuine connection is what you need to bring to the table if you want to become “The Lucky One” in your industry.
Because here’s the simple truth…
“You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want”.
– Zig Ziglar
Hey, I’m Chris Winfield of

But before you go….
Super Connector Media™
is challenging you:
I know for a fact, you’ve been thinking of reaching out to someone. Maybe you can explain why, or maybe it doesn’t make sense at all. Today you stop procrastinating:
RIGHT NOW, pick up the phone or hit send on a quick email. Make the connection. Who knows what’ll come of it. But that’s the fun part 🙂
P.S. Not sure who to reach out to? Check this out…
Identify the 20 most influential people in your existing network
(most likely to whip out their phone and send the intro of your dreams)
Chris AKA
The Super Connector™
& The Media

Contact me for speaking, training, interviews, TV appearances, and more…
Swipe My Bio + Images Below
Chris is a contributor for INC. and host of a show for Entrepreneur Magazine. His writings have also appeared in Business Insider, TIME, Buffer and other top-tier publications. Chris has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NBC’s Today Show, USA Today, ABC News, Fast Company, Fox Extra, Forbes and over 200 other media outlets. Chris has shown clients – including people from companies like Disney, Bai Brands, Virgin, Intuit, Cali’Flour Foods and countless high profile entrepreneurs & authors – how to leverage their connections with the media and influencers for credibiility, authority & profit.
Spot Chris in the wild, doing intros at his NYC networking event, Unfair Advantage Live, and taking confessions from lonely hedge-fund managers while standing in line for groceries (he’s just that kind of guy).

Short Intros (TV Segment Intros)
Chris Winfield AKA
The Super Connector™
Founder of Unfair Advantage and columnist for Entrepreneur and INC – knows this: looking out for yourself will only get you so far. But building relationships will get you further…
Networking just got real. As in real and GENUINE. Because Chris Winfield – Business Relationship Expert – is declaring bankruptcy on the grab-’n-run mentality that plagues the (virtual) business world. His motto? Burn your business cards. Drop your agenda. And instead, find out the answer to: “What is it that you need help with right now?”.